Early November, Mark Evans will be the first band member to give an inside look into the early Bon Scott years and his life with (and after) the band in his book "Dirty Deeds: My Life Inside / Outside of AC/DC". Evans, who joined the band as a 19 year old bass player from 1975 until 1977, can be heard on the following studio recordings: TNT, High Voltage, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Let There Be Rock and '74 Jailbreak.
"Dirty Deeds: My Life Inside/Outside of AC/DC brings the gripping, laugh-out-loud tale of a band that lived fast and played harder than anyone else. The first bio by a band insider during the early years, the book details the struggles and personalities behind the rise of hard rock’s most successful group; with guest spots by rock n’ roll icons like George Harrison, Gene Simmons, Phil Lynott, and members of Metallica. In his honest and revealing memoir, mark evans contends with life’s many turns: A rough-as-nails upbringing, lucky breaks, soaring highs, and terrible personal loss and tragedy. It was a long way to the top…and he was just getting started"
Youtube clip with Mark Evans in a clip from Countdown.
ISBN 978-1-935950-04-2 / US$19.95
Deluxe 272pp illustrated softcover w/16pp color insert