AC/DC.com reports the following: lead singer Brian Johnson recently underwent a medical procedure and at the advice of his doctor is taking some time to rest.
AC/DC's Black Ice World Tour, which was set to hit Phoenix, AZ on October 1, will be postponed to a later date. Subsequent shows in Las Vegas, Louisville, Kansas City, Des Moines and Milwaukee will also be rescheduled. The tour will resume on October 16 in Washington, DC.
In the meantime, for the promotion of the new box set, ACDCROCKS.com finally added a Belgian/Dutch section and a brand new promo page has been launched: ACDCBackTracks.com . Make sure you click that page a couple of times before the big announcement on 29th September: rare movie clips alter!
AC/DC's Black Ice World Tour, which was set to hit Phoenix, AZ on October 1, will be postponed to a later date. Subsequent shows in Las Vegas, Louisville, Kansas City, Des Moines and Milwaukee will also be rescheduled. The tour will resume on October 16 in Washington, DC.
In the meantime, for the promotion of the new box set, ACDCROCKS.com finally added a Belgian/Dutch section and a brand new promo page has been launched: ACDCBackTracks.com . Make sure you click that page a couple of times before the big announcement on 29th September: rare movie clips alter!
Op de officiële AC/DC website wordt vermeld dat Brian Johnson's dokter hem rust hebben voorgeschreven, na een recent medisch onderzoek. De tour zal verder gaan op 16 oktober in Washington DC, maar de 6 US data tot dan zullen naar een latere datum verplaatst worden.
Ondertussen heeft ACDCROCKS.com eindelijk een Belgisch/Nederlands luik en werd er een gloednieuwe promopagina gecreëerd (ACDCBackTracks.com) naar aanloop van de big announcement op 29 september. Ga af en toe een kijkje nemen want de zeldzame filmpjes op deze site wisselen!
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